"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Saturday, January 7, 2012

"How do you Hiphil that?"

Good morning friends! It's has been far too long since I updated this blog! Ugh, what a loooong week! I returned to PTS just six days ago, but it feels like I've been back for an eternity! Since J-term started less than 12 hours after I returned, I practically had no time to catch up with friends about their breaks, except for passing conversations here and there that were far too short in my estimation. Finally after a week, I feel like we're all caught up. =)

Hebrew. This week went pretty well. The class is split up in such a way that I don't get antsy in the three hours of Hebrew every morning. Precept has been quite fun: my preceptor is an awesome teacher, we're learning new things, there is a nice sense of community, and we've been doing straight-from-the-Bible translating. This week alone we've worked on passages from Genesis, I Samuel, Ruth, and Psalms. Many of us have been studying in groups which is extremely helpful... and we get a lot of laughs from statements like, "How do you Hiphil that?"* On the other hand, the test yesterday was hard! I'm convinced that my brain hurt afterward, and the professor kept saying, "I know your brains are fried, so... [we'll have an easy lecture]." My attitude for next week: bring it week two!

I found this picture online, but it says something like: "And it came to pass after the death of Moses, servant of the Lord, the Lord spoke to Joshua son of Nun minister of Moses saying..."**

YAAD. Just a quick update on my YAAD (Young Adult Advisory Delegate) application. I received an email from the Presbytery confirming that they got my application, the endorsement from my session, and my written statement of faith. Yay! On 24 January 2012, Presbytery will vote on recommendations, so I should know shortly after that if I get to go to GA (General Assembly) this year in Pittsburgh! =)

Please continue to pray with me for my dear friends in the hospital! I hope to post again soon, but that is only Hebrew-willing. All the best, God Bless!

*Hiphil is a verb form in Hebrew. Saying this is like saying, "How do you gerund that?" in English.
**My translation. Text sounds/looks like it's from the book of Joshua.

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