"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

General Conference [not Assembly]

Good day, dear friends, and what a beautiful day it is here in New Jersey! A bit cool for my liking, but nonetheless, very pleasant outside--a great day for reading! So, that's what I am doing--preparing for my short term intensive course, "Models of Young Adult Ministry." For this class, I have been enveloped in a book titled Lost in Transition: The Dark Side of Emerging Adulthood. It's all very quite interesting, especially because according to the book's definition of "emerging adults," I am still one of them! Hooray for me! Anyway, I have a few things to share with all of you:

Methodist General Conference. Let me preface this section with this: I am not Methodist, so if any of this information is incorrect, I am counting on my good friend KO to comment and correct any mistakes I may make here. Anyway, the United Methodist Church, unlike the PC(USA), is an international church. Every four years, they hold a General Conference which includes representatives from all of the Annual Conferences around the world. This General Conference begins today in Tampa, FL and lasts through May 4. Among other important issues that they will be discussing, they will also be voting on what I suppose would be considered the equivalent to the PC(USA) Amendment 10-A. There is a movement to remove the phrase, "The practice of homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching," from their Book of Discipline. So, it wouldn't hurt for you to say a prayer for wisdom and guidance for them. Despite denominational affiliations, we're all God's children and need to support one another. I have also posted a video that was recommended to me below. It is a United Methodist pastor (and Ph.D. student here at the seminary) preaching about the subject last Sunday. I strongly encourage taking 20 minutes out of your busy schedule to watch it.


Fall Term Classes. Another way I am able to add to my productivity of today was to schedule classes for the Fall semester! Wooo! This is super exciting! I enrolled in some super awesome classes: Greek, Preaching, The Problem of Evil, Presbyterian Polity, Insiders and Outsiders (Church History), and Field Education (church placement). I must admit that I am a little bit anxious about Greek. Rumor on the street has it that people tend to be good at either Hebrew or Greek, rarely both; and I am pretty darn good with Hebrew. I am hoping that my knowledge of Latin, English, and a little bit of Spanish will be able to help with Greek! The Problem of Evil is an ethics class (my other major in college was Philosophy), yay! Presbyterian Polity--definitely a requirement for my Presbytery, but unlike some Presbys around here, I am looking forward to it! Insiders and Outsiders is a modern church history class--we'll see how this goes because history is not particularly one of my strongest interests. Finally, I am doing Field Ed at Forest Grove Presbyterian Church in Forest Grove, PA! This is super duper exciting! =)

As I near the end of my first year in seminary, I think about all the wonderful people who have been instrumental along the way! Thanks to you all! Until next time, take care, beloved friends! Blessings and peace! =)

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