"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Light a Candle: Hope

First and foremost... bad news bears: Nelson Mandela has passed away at age 95. He was such an inspirational leader in South Africa, and really, made a great impact on the world. We need more people like him.

Today, we'll talk about the Advent candles and what they symbolize.

Hope.  Light is a strong theme throughout the Advent and Christmas seasons. Up here in PA, where the days get shorter and shorter as we approach Christmas, this symbol of light is also very literal. With all of the darkness, we tend to look forward to the light. With all of the cold, we tend to look forward to the warmth. The first candle that we light during Advent is the Candle of Hope. I've seen hope in several places this week...

'Tips for Jesus.' Apparently people from a movement, @tipsforjesus, have been leaving unheard of and "crazy generous" tips on their tabs at bars and restaurants. Read the full article for specific examples!!

One of the two checks that "TipsForJesus" signed at a restaurant in South Bend, Ind., on Oct. 19. The anonymous givers added $5,000 to each of the bills.

'Christmas Smile' : A Book for Every Child. An effort backed by Chris Tomlin (Christian Rock artist) to give a book to every child in the city of Atlanta this Christmas season. Watch the video to see how you can get involved!

'Reimagining Christmas.'  A background article about how the Advent Conspiracy got started!

Fortunately, if you are looking for hope in this world, you need not look far! Great things are happening everyday. I encourage you to be a part of it if you are able and willing. Hope is always within reach.

Happy Advent!

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."
Romans 15:13


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