"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Friday, November 29, 2013


Hey everyone. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. From what I saw on Facebook this morning, most of you are very happy, very thankful, and very full human beings! I spent the day at work, but I still was able to eat Thanksgiving dinner and salvage the day! =)

Kid for President. I was originally going to write a post about being thankful and living in such a way, but instead, I found this video and thought it was worth sharing. So watch it and enjoy:


Black Thursday. Since when did Black Friday become Black Thursday? This year, most stores were open and started their deals the night of Thanksgiving. I don't agree with the whole premise of Black Whatever-Day-It-Is, but what is the thrill in moving it to Thanksgiving night? Back in the good ol days, when I was growing up, you had to wake up suuuuuuupppppper early to even think about getting any deals! Now, you get deals if you sacrifice your Thanksgiving. Isn't that simply sending the message that consumerism > family? Just a thought.

Olivia's Advent Calendar. Advent begins this Sunday! Wahooo! I love advent. One of the newer things I enjoy about advent is Olivia's Advent Calendar. It is a daily video made by this young girl and her family of her opening her advent calendar every single day. I'll spare you additional details, but it is definitely worth checking out. Here are some from last year:


Catching Fire. Adam and I saw Catching Fire last weekend, and it was very good. I highly recommend that you all go and see it! I'm not going to lie, it brought me to tears a time or two.

Enjoy your weekend!

"Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. 
I will strengthen you and help you."
Isaiah 41:10

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