"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Cherry Ice Cream

So it's Thursday, which for me means the longest day of the week. I can hardly complain, though, because it is probably the most action packed day for me! Classes, classes, classes, breakfast, lunch, dinnner, L&C (Liturgy and Choir) Chapel, coffee dates, board games, and basketball! This past week has been one of wonderful hilarity. Here's a recap:

Valentine's Day. For one who is single, this could be such a boring day. BUT, this one was not. There were pretty cupcakes at lunch, valentines in my mail box, and a good night watching some BSG with my best friends!

From K.O.'s mother (left) and S.B. (right)!

Cherry Ice Cream. Here at the seminary, we are fortunate enough to have ice cream at most meals. The only problem is that this ice cream is 99% of the time CHERRY! There are four spots for huge jugs of ice cream, and at least two of them are always filled with cherry (while the other two remain empty). Why is this? you may ask. Well, because nobody likes cherry ice cream here. It rarely ever gets eaten. I can count on one finger how many students I have seen eat and enjoy this cherry ice cream. As a matter of fact, some of the prospective students were eating it last week, and the rest of us were thanking and praising God for such activity! This is because in order to get new ice cream, we need to eat the stuff that is there already! Ahhh, we're so sick of cherry ice cream! Well anyway, the other day some students took it upon themselves to cover the Aramark suggestion board with comments to get rid of the cherry ice cream. The following day, we all found this telling us what was for dinner:

It's good to know Aramark has a sense of humor. Also, they got rid of the cherry ice cream, and we got Strawberry, Chocolate, Vanilla, and Cookies and Cream! Heavenly after cherry! =)

Well friends, I am about to be late to New Testament, and we're talking about Matthew, which is kind of a lot a bit important. I hope to update again this weekend, but no promises! Wish me luck with basketball tonight and my continued Field Ed search! All the best and God Bless! =)

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