"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Monday, February 20, 2012

Psalter Celebration

I was checking through my post history just a few moments ago, and I realized that last semester I posted about once every three or four days. This semester, however, I am posting roughly once a week. Tonight is the exception. Four days ago was the last time I posted, and now I am posting again! Wooo Hooo!

Exegetical Working Paper. This weekend I did some serious exegeting (ref Exegetical Tools)! That's right, friends, a little extra-Jesus in my life... this time in the form of the Gospel of Luke chapter 13! I have an assignment due tomorrow for New Testament that is basically a condensed outline of the steps one is to take when interpreting a passage. It's a very exciting process, and a learning one at that! The precursor to being a preacher, Hallelujah!

Seminary Basketball. Here at seminary, basketball can get pretty serious. We don't compliment the other team after every play. We are only nice to the refs the vast majority of the time. And we care more about having fun that winning. What kind of basketball players are we? ;) Seriously though, it is really a lot of fun! We even had an awesome cheering section last game (that came up with some quite interesting cheers)! Here is part of the "trash-talking":

Enter the workout-gym with a ball, leave with a note with a game date upon it. =)

Psalter Celebration. Sing praise to the LORD you people his saints!!! I cannot wait. I can't. It's impossible for me to wait. Waiting for singing is hard. And in the mean time, I have been journaling through the psalms, which is hard and does not help with the waiting. I will journal about a psalm, look up the arrangement in the Psalter we are using, and then get super excited about singing them! Ahhhh! There is a book signing reception on Friday (for PFAS) followed by a Psalm sing! Yippee! And before all of this, I have my Psalms class where I will be singing. My voice might not be working by Saturday, but that's okay because I love singing!

Lent. Oh lent. It's been almost a whole year since I engaged in Lenten behavior. So the question is... what to do for lent? I have a couple ideas floating around in my brain, but if you have any suggestions (or challenges for that matter), throw them at me! I will post about what I decide to do sometime soon.

Well friends, I continue to pray for all of you each night! It has been a while since I have seen many of you, and you should know that I miss you all! I hope to make a series of visits over Spring Break, March 3-11.

God Bless!

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