"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Friday, February 3, 2012

"Let's Sing through the Psalms"

Wow! What a week one! It's been long, crazy at times, but all around super-exciting! Oh, and furthermore, I think I have a routine--hiyah! I'm still in debate over which pastoral care class I want to be in, but I am hoping to make that decision by the end of the weekend, so I don't get behind in whichever one I choose. Other than that, the rest of my classes have been simply wonderful.

New Testament. Easy peasy thus far. I love the NT... I love Jesus, and I love Paul, so it should be no surprise that I love the NT! A friend asked me the other day: "Which do you like better, the New or Old Testament?" I said... "Yes." It's hard to choose and I have no intention of picking one over the other. I love them both! =)

Women in OT Narratives (Hebrew Exegesis). ...or as I call it for short, "Old Women Hebrew." The professor in this class is amazing. We jumped right in with translation this week and worked on Genesis Chapter 2. She is really good with the Hebrew language, which I find pure dead brilliant, and we studied many of the grammatical intentionalities and puns within the story of Genesis 2.

Pastoral Care. As I said above, I'm still on the fence about this one.

Speech. This class is a continuation of the one from last semester. It is usually a lot of fun, but not when you have a sore throat and feel an illness coming on. Ashley + physical activity + sleep + orange juice + zinc = I will beat you illness bug, I will defeat you!

Psalms. Wow Wow Wow! My favorite class, hands down. If you have followed this blog, you may know that it is hard to compete with Hebrew for my favorite class. Well, Psalms just surpassed it without even looking back! The premise of the class is an hour long lecture and then an hour of singing through the psalms (ten-fifteen at a time). What a truly amazing class! I hit my sore throat with a cough drop, but that didn't last long once we began singing through the first ten Psalms! Despite my shortcomings of singing this fine afternoon, it was the beginning of a great journey through the book of Psalms. We are also required to journal through them in our own study and write a few prayers and liturgies along the way. Check out this brand new book, though:

I would highly recommend this Psalter. Martin Tel, director of music here, was senior editor, and trust me when I say that the man is a pure genius. It is worth the investment!

Well, beloved friends, I am off to enter into a weekend of endless reading! I continue to keep all of you in my prayers! God Bless.

P.S.--the groundhog saw his shadow, so six more weeks of "winter." =)

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