"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Friday, May 18, 2012

Summer begins!

It has become pretty clear to me that I am going to be pretty bad about updating this over the summer--sorry. I have been quite busy, and by the time I get home at night, I am exhausted! Work, hockey, dogs, chores, church, etc etc... it doesn't end. It's a good thing that I love everything I am doing, and I am happy to report that I am beginning to develop a nice little routine for the summer! =)

Hockey. Now that there are 12 teams in the adult league, there are games every day of the week. Coaching/ reffing MWF, playing/ reffing STuThSa! Ahhh! That's a lot of hockey! The teams I coach should be pretty competitive this year, and the team I play on will be a serious contender for the championship. I am going to try to post some league pictures and/or videos on here sometime soon. Keep checking back.

TSS. For a summer job, I am basically doing TSS work for Carbon County focusing on Autism Spectrum Disorders. To this point, I have been absolutely swamped with paperwork! Ahh, it should lighten up next week or so, and I'll be ready to put it in cruise control until the end of the summer.

A Whole New World. Talk about a change of pace. Wow! I almost feel like I have encountered some kind of serious culture shock. Home is so much different than Princeton--it's unbelievable. It's hard to articulate, but there is a profound difference in what matters. For instance in Princeton, intelligence and 'book' knowledge are of extremely high value. In NEPA, however, people can't care less about the main differences in theology between Luther and Calvin. On the other hand, knowing how to jump start a car isn't too important in Princeton, but you'll get funny looks if you don't have that trick in your back pocket up here in NEPA. And trust me when I say that this is only one of a handful of differences! This is going to be quite an interesting and fun summer...

I will try to update this as often as I can, especially now that I have even more people to keep in touch with (hooray for new friends). Realistically, I am aiming for once a week updates. Take care, friends! =)

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