"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Thursday, May 31, 2012

CPM coming up!

I have no excuse. Absolutely none. It has been nearly two weeks since I have posted anything, and there is really no reason for it. I really don't go on my computer all that much since I don't have papers to write, or documents to download, or a bazillion emails to tend to. Now that I am on a computer... mostly just to download and print out hockey schedules for my team, I figured I would write a quick update.

Paperwork. My work is still pretty much only paperwork. This is quite boring and tedious. In about one week's time I am moving into more hands-on stuff, and in two weeks I should have my very own cases to work with! Yay! Boredom be gone!

Hockey. After all my days of paperwork, I routinely head to the hockey rink to coach, ref, or play some puck. This is an everyday occurrence. I know that I promised pictures and video, but my skating/reffing pants and/or athletic shorts aren't very accommodating to phones or cameras. Also, the weather has not cooperating very much. Rain rain rain! Ugh!

CPM Meeting. Woo, something exciting coming up on my schedule (well really there are plenty of exciting things--weekend trips, Pocono, dart parties, bike runs, cookouts, iron man games, all star competitions, etc etc). I am meeting with Donegal Presbytery's CPM this Monday in Lancaster! This means that I will be in West Chester this Sunday! Ah yeah! And I hope to see all of you whom I haven't seen in a very long time. Anyway, I have annual consultations with the CPM to kind of just check in with them and let them know how things are going! It should be quite fun, actually... no nervous nelly here! =)

Again, I am sorry for the lack of updating. I will do my best to update throughout the summer with things that will be interesting to read about. I hope all is well with each of you! Take care of one another and be kind to everyone. Blessings and Peace!

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