"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Greetings! This is official post number 100! Whoop whoop! For all of those who have read these posts from the beginning, I salute you--good work! This will be a relatively short, quick update.

CPM. I love meeting with this committee. There are some pretty awesome people in this group--friendly, funny, dedicated, humble, caring, etc etc. Oh, and they said yes to continuation of my status as inquirer. After I take the Bible Content exam in August, I will have to meet with them again. At this time, I hope to become a Candidate--so exciting.

Weekend in WC. It really wasn't the entire weekend... I arrived in beloved WC Saturday night and only stayed until Monday morning. I got to hang out with my college friends, which I haven't done since Christmas (which was shocking when I realized this). I went to church, spent the better part of Sunday with none other than DM (street fair, mall, and chinese food)--just like we used to do. We even got some Star Wars watching in while I was there! Fun fun fun.

Respite. My time in West Chester was also a time of rest for me. Rest from hockey. I didn't realize how much abuse hockey can do to your body until I woke up after a rest day and EVERYTHING was sore. I mean everything, too--back, arms, knees. When I got back, I went right back to the grind with a jr league practice, reffed a roller game, and then played in a roller game. I love it, though--every minute.

Weekends. My weekends are filling up with fun things, especially weddings, pretty quickly. I am trying to write in another visit to West Chester, but it may not be until late July. For all of you that I did not see and/or get a chance to talk to at church on Sunday, I hope to see you the next time I am in town. Until then, feel free to shoot me an email and let me know how you are doing! =)

I hope all of you are enjoying your summers! Peace.

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