"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Monday, November 28, 2011

It's Advent!

My first day back made me realize two things: (1) I really missed this place; (2) I really needed that break! Phew! I had quite a wonderful break thanks to many, many people! It was very much filled with joy and fun:

TV. I haven't watched tv in 3 months (not kidding), and the first thing I see when I turn on the tube... black friday commericals. Good job America. I got to watch some football, and the Ellen DeGeneres show! Yay!

Food. I am in no place to scrutinize any food served at any institution, so I will just say that it was good to have some home cooked meals. It's been awhile.

Hockey. Both watched and played. WBS Penguins lost to Hershey in a shootout, but we went with a fun crowd (and I got to eat dippin dots with my best buddy)! Then, the pickup roller game was quite competitive.

Soreness. I practiced with my high school basketball team, worked out more than usual (running, situps, and pushups), played with my dogs, and played a three hour roller hockey game. Results: I will be sore for the rest of the week.

Church. Guess what? It's Advent! WHOOOOOOOOOO! I love advent! Love it! L-O-V-E it! Oh, it's simply wonderful! Best hymns of the year, if you ask me! And liturgical purple! And candles! And Jesus! And joy! And waiting... oh, I am eager for the waiting. Plus, it really highlights some of the best parts of scripture! Oh joy! I'm really excited! Anyway, I got to spend the first Sunday of advent in West Chester! What a blessing, indeed! Boy, do I love my church family. What wonderful people! =) It's really an excellent place! And... in case anyone was wondering... we sang O Come O Come Emmanuel in chapel this morning--my FAVORITE! Eeeek, I am ridiculously happy!

Well, I'm back in the bubble! What an excellent break! I very grateful to have wonderful friends to come back to, too! Now, if only the weather will catch up with us... hello, it's advent! Where's the snow, and frosty weather?! I'm not complaining, though, it makes travel easier when it is 60 degree outside! Be seeing you again soon, FPCWC family! Until then, the Lord be with each and every one of you! =)

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