"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Kingdom Quotes Pt. II

Get the sticky notes ready! Here are some more thought provoking things I've heard/read/said in recent week(s):

We might not how what the future holds, but we know who holds the future.

Too often we talk to our God about how big our mountains are instead of talking to our mountains about how big our God is.

When you get no credit, remember: you don't work under people, you work under God.

The world needs Christians who don't tolerate the complacency of their own lives.

Something is wrong when our lives make sense to unbelievers.

People will come miles and miles to hear the Word of God, but they won't cross the street to hear what you have to say. Remember that.

Never let good enough be good enough.

It seems like every time we try to bring heaven down to earth, we bring hell up from below.

God doesn't call the equipped; God equips the called.

You have to go as far as you can see to see how far you can go.

We must live simply so others may simply live.

It's not hard. It's heart.

I hope you are all enjoying advent! =)


  1. Definitely true about your comment how people talk to God about how big their mountains are instead of talking to the mountain about how big our God is!!! As we wait for my mom's genetic testing results to see if we need to be tested and then wait for those etc etc.... I need to remind myself that of that! I am believing in God for one of the biggest miracles that all this cancer stuff is not genetic and that my sisters and I have no more of a risk than anyone else!

  2. Hi there Greta. I'm glad that you like some of these quotations. I have also found them very uplifting. Trust me, I am praying for your mother, you, and your sisters concerning the issue. God Bless! =)
