"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Red Hymnals

Hello, and good day! Again, it has been quite a while since I have updated, and I will be trying to get better at it. I only have a few things to share, most of them about the beginning of Spring semester here at PTS. Before I do that, however, let me share with you my Sunday church experience.

1st Church. First Presbyterian Church of Weatherly [PC(USA)] in my home town was the first ever Presbyterian church I attended. To be completely honest, I wasn't even sure they were still a church (low membership numbers averaging about ten in worship on Sundays), but I was happy to be invited by my best buddy to go with her and her grandfather on Sunday. Usually, if I am home for a weekend, I just leave really early Sunday mornings and catch the worship service in West Chester on my way back to school. Last Sunday, I decided to stay and spend an extra half day in Weatherly. Anyway, I went to First Pres Weatherly: 11 in worship counting the organist, reusable bulletins, cold church, no kids, red hymnals (1955), RSV Bibles, one usher, one minister, and God. And that's all we needed.

New Classes! Hooray for variety! Ugh, I was getting tired and sick of all that Hebrew with nothing else to study to give me a break! But, lucky for me, I have five other classes in addition to Hebrew this semester!
     New Testament
     Hebrew Exegesis: Women in OT Narratives
     Pastoral Care: Theory and Practice
     Speech Communication: Body Language and Delivery
     Psalms in Christian Worship
     ASL (not for credit)
I am very excited about this lineup of classes, especially Psalms... well, and Pastoral Care... and Exegesis... and NT... and ASL... and Speech. I am just really, really excited about this semester! Whoop whoop!

Well, there is nothing else too crazy (minus the regular exciting things) going on over here in the Christian bubble, so I will update as more and more excitement enters my life. Until next time, God Bless! =)

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