"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Cheese Tag

Oh, it's one of those weeks! You know... the ones when you remember the insane amounts of work that need to get done in spite of the incredibly infinitesimal chunks of free time in your schedule. And it is going to be a Christmas miracle if I find time to go shopping for everyone. Despite all of this, I am in great spirits! Hmm, can anyone guess why? Anyone? Oh right, it's Advent! Whoooo! Also, here are a few other happenings that make my life a wonderful one:

Cheese Tag. Just last night I got to the dining hall a little late (I was coming from the gym) and found new, fun people to sit with. It just so happened that half of these people were little people... people in training... kids, if you will. I love kids! They are simply wonderful. Our conversations were filled will kindergarten jokes, why one would dip pizza crust in ginger ale, and how to finger-spell our names. Then, the little girl tagged me on the shoulder, said, "Cheese tag!", and crossed as many body parts as humanly possible (making her "safe"). Slightly bewildered, I asked her what I should do. She told me to simply tag someone else who didn't have their fingers crossed, and say, "Cheese tag!" So I did. And then they did. And then that person did... and so on and so forth until literally the WHOLE SEMINARY CAFETERIA was playing cheese tag and chasing one another around tables. It was a ridiculous amount of fun! It got me to thinking: it's a darn shame that we are ever forced to grow up.

Yoga. Don't knock it if you've never tried it. That's what I used to do, but it is really awesome. Awesome to the point that today, every time I inhale, my shoulders sear with pain. It was really relaxing and definitely worth it, though. I know what I'll be doing on Wednesday evenings from now on. =)

Letters to God. In our speech classes, we are required to read a psalm and children's letters to God for our final. These are absolutely the cutest things ever. It makes me think that sometimes we make prayer a little too complicated. Perhaps we could take lessons from children in simplicity during this time of waiting and anticipation. Maybe it would be a better theme during lent, who knows?

Advent Colors. So, in case you didn't know, Advent is my favorite time of the year. Truly, my favorite. This year, I am attempting to match the liturgical colors of the season every day during this four week period. Presbyterians use purple and Lutherans use blue, so I am going to stick to these two colors for the first three weeks and see how creative I can get without being redundant with my wardrobe. For the final week, I am going to try to do all pink... which may prove to be difficult because I only have 3 pink shirts, and 2 of them are t-shirts. We'll see how it works out. Wish me luck!

Oh and I will be singing O Come, O Come Emmanuel every single day this week. Thanks chapel! =)

Peace be with you.