"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Good day friends! It's wonderful to be writing this blog, and I hope that it is just as wonderful to be reading it. Today, I will be talking about a particular obsession of mine--bulletins! I know it's weird, but perhaps by the end of this post, I can convince you to hang on to those little pieces of paper longer than just an hour! So here goes nothing!

Hoarder of Bulletins! I love bulletins! Don't ask me why... there is just something about them! I don't know what it is, really. I do, however, have several theories:
1. I love organization and most bulletins are very good examples of something organized and formatted by an anal-retentive person. This is such an admirable quality. The movement of a worship service is oh so very important.
2. There is something about having a tangible piece of worship. It's like evidence. It's like a memory that you can literally hold on to.
3. Talk about a good resource! Can you say reference material?
4. 99% of the time, there is something about a worship service that I want to remember to eventually use one day. If I ever get around to organizing my drawer full of bulletins, I could put together a Word Doc of great ideas!
5.I have a not-so-good memory, and bulletins have great memories and reminders of events that I want to attend!
6. Sometimes I will take notes or write down quotes on my bulletin. If I take time to write it down, I should probably hold onto it!
7. I'm weird.

Psalms Final. I have a few projects to do for my Psalms final, all of which are really, really awesome! First, I need to compile a mini canon of 25 go-to psalms for my congregation. So essentially, I am choosing 25 psalms, organizing them, and giving a little bit of information about why these particular 25 are good to know (if you'd like a copy--please feel free to email me: ashley.reimold@gmail.com). Second, I have to put together a complete worship service around Psalm 90. This is where my bulletins will certainly come in handy! And finally, throughout the semester I had to journal through the psalms! It was one of those long and tedious tasks... but I must say it was totally worth it!

There should be another "Kingdom Quotes" post coming very soon! Hold steady through Holy Week, friends, Easter is just around the bend! =) The Lord be with you!

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