"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Friday, April 27, 2012

"...never go down the drain!"

This week has flown by! Holy moley, where did it go already?! It's Friday, but it feels like a Monday! This is insane! I am going to attempt to recap the week, but I feel like I have lost it... it's just gone already! Sheesh! =)

Visiting Home. I have not been to my home church in I don't know how long, but it's been awhile. I know I have not worshiped there since Christmas... which is weird when I think about it. Fortunately, I was able to make it to the mid-week program this week, which just so happened to be the final week of it for the church-year! Phew, that was close! I brought a friend of mine, and we had a wonderful time. It was great to see all those wonderful, familiar faces, and First Pres WC has a way with hospitality! Every time I am there it feels like I never left! Also, great news for my church mom! HOOOORAY! =)

Saying Good-bye. Do you want to know something that I do not like? Saying good-bye. Yep, it's pretty much one of the worst things ever. The school-year is coming to a close here, and the first of my very dear friends has already departed, and I won't get to see him for three months! (Holy cow--that's too long)! There are many others friends who I also won't get to see for the entire summer because they have this whole love-thing going on for the West coast or whatever! But worst of all, there are friends that I won't get to see for an even longer time! International students (one Scottish friend, in particular) and graduating seniors won't be coming back in the fall! Ugh, this stinks! The only upside is the awesomeness of Skype... that is all.

Another good-bye we had to do as a community yesterday was a good-bye to all of the Youth Conference participants! This is a bitter sweet thing, but a necessary one nonetheless. The final sending-off was a worship service yesterday where none other than Kenda Dean was preaching. She is a pretty awesome preacher! She preached from Revelation 21, and took it in a very optimistic direction and related it to the the Youth Conference. She reminded us--quoting Mr. Rogers--that, "You'll never go down, never go down, never go down the drain!" Overall, very interesting and a good close to the conference.

Short-term class. My intensive course started today! Wooo Hooo! There is so much reading about "emerging adults," which I should probably be working on now, but my eyes need a break! The interesting thing is that I am reading about a demographic group that I am still a part of! Oh Sociology... it's been too long! Anyway, it was quite wonderful today, and I anticipate it being just as wonderful the next two and a half weeks! It also includes a field trip to DC and Virginia! Oh yeah! =)

Romans. I have a lot of "favorites" in the Bible, and sometimes they change quicker than I can keep track of. One of my favorite, favorite epistles is definitely Paul's letter to the Romans! Oh, and guess what? There is an entire conference just on that Epistle here at PTS next week! I can hardly wait! Three whole days of Romans--sounds all kinds of fantastical to me! It's going to be cha-awesome! Okay, I am geeking out a little bit here--sorry, moving on...

It's weird to think that I am very nearly 33% done with my education here at Princeton! Two more years to go! Yippee! I hope all is well with each of you! Please, continue to send me any prayer requests you may have. Blessings and Peace! =)


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