"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Sunday, April 15, 2012

That was a quick semester!

Happy Lord's Day everyone! I am here to inform you that my handy Princeton coin has led me to write this blog. I was on the fence about how to take a study break--guitar, laundry, or blog--so I flipped my Princeton Semianry Bicentennial coin. If it landed on the Princeton side (picture of the seminary), I would play guitar; if it landed on Paul-Romans quote side, I would write a blog. If gravity decided not to work, and the coin was suspended in mid-air, then I was going to do laundry! Fortunately for me, it landed upright against the base of my dresser... I took this as a sign to play guitar and write a blog! So here is what my week is going to look like:

Theology of Pastoral Care. My PC paper assignment is to write my theology of pastoral care. Easy task, right? Surely, but it's is a very vague assignment! I went to town, though, and really enjoyed working on this paper yesterday! Everything sort of fit together perfectly! I love when this happens! I think my ideas flow nicely, and I am a Bible-quoting machine in this paper! I still have some proofreading, citing, and class-evaluating to do before I finish the paper, but I really like what I have so far. Yippee!

Exegesis of Hannah. Paper number two! This one is going to be a monster! Relatively speaking, there is not a whole lot of literature about women narratives in the Old Testament. I've done most of the exegeting and research, I just have to write the paper. I think I have a pretty strong thesis to work with, but I have to find an organized way to make my argument compelling! This may be Tuesday and/or Thursday project.

Psalter & Worship Service. This final is already complete. I was so excited to do it that I finished it over a week ahead of time. For my Psalms class, we got to pick several small projects that would compose our final assignment. I choose to make a mini-Psalter (25 psalms) that will serve as a good start into the Psalter as a whole. I have also included an index of my "Pastoral Care Psalms." Each Psalm that I chose includes vertical habits (simple grammatical terms describing the Psalm), suggestions for prayer, several word description, and a memory verse. The other part of my final was making an entire worship service: every liturgical element, prayers, hymns, announcements, anthems, movements, (thesis of) sermon, benediction, etc. I had a ridiculous amount of fun with this... which is probably a good sign for my future! =)

NT Exam. A cumulative exam on the entire New Testament! I am feeling pretty confident about this, especially after spending the better part of today studying for this! Terms, essays, outlines, Scripture identification, maps, themes, etc etc! I'm ready!

...what's studying without a little bit of silliness:

Alrighty friends, I think I am going to do some studying again! Thanks for the study break! Have a good one! =)


  1. Ashley, would you share the psalm work? It could be a good resource for me. Good luck with the big finish. I can't believe a year is done already!

  2. Absolutely! I will email it to you this weekend (after I get feedback, if any). =)
