"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Palms to Passion

Palm Sunday. Oh, Palm Sunday. This is such an interesting day in the liturgical calendar. What do you do with it? You can treat it like celebration... after all, that's what it was back in the day. But then again, if your church is not very large and/or does not have Thursday and Friday services this week, you should probably treat it as Passion Sunday in place of Palm Sunday. You don't want to go from HOORAY to HOORAY (Palm Sunday to Easter) and miss the depths of Holy Week. The Seminary treated it kind of as both with their Palms to Passion worship service.

Palms to Passion. I really enjoy the music ministry here at the seminary. It is quite wonderful. We have four choirs! WHOA! And they are all very excellent. Our music director is a genius; our minister of the chapel is the best! We even had a guest conductor and organist! It was a pretty awesome service. The nice thing about the service was the movement. It started with Palm Sunday and ever so slowly moved through Holy Week: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday... Sunday! Each section of the service had a hymn, an anthem, a organ solo, Scripture reading, and a time for prayer. Overall, it was very well pieced together! Oh and check out the palm cross I made! =)

Footprint. Every time I hear "footprint" in a religious context, I automatically think about the poem with the footprints in the sand that is just a tad overused (if you asked me). But that is not what I'm talking about here! Rather I am referring to your footprint... you know, concerning the environment. Here on campus we have an organization called ECOS (and I can't remember what the letters stand for, but they're the environmental group). Anyway, we just starting composting, so ECOS extended a challenge to everyone: reduce your footprint. Carry around a gallon-sized Ziploc bag and put all of your trash in it (minus compostable items, food, and hygiene products). Do this for three days, and whoever's bag weighs the least at the end of this time wins a $75 gift card to whole foods! Wooo! And, you get a free schnazzy looking water bottle for signing up!

Well, that's a pretty solid update! Interesting events are abounding this week! =) Also, I saw pictures from the Palm Sunday 5K--great job to all participants! It looks like it was very much fun! Keep up the awesomeness! Peace be with you.

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