"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Fruits of Our Labor

It is time to be less academic! Finally. Yesterday some of my friends and I went apple picking. We had this planned for quite some time, so it functioned as something to look forward to all week. I'm thinking flag football is going to serve that function for this upcoming week. Or perhaps even a trip to Philly. We'll see all in good time.

Anyway, apple picking. If you have never gone before, I highly recommend going. It is a ridiculous amount of fun, especially if you go with the right people. Since I love lists, here are some highlights of the adventures of apple picking:

Free apples? Yep, that's right. Free. But only if you eat them in the orchard. And they really don't get any fresher than that. I think each of the five of us had at least two or three as we walked around picking.

Cheap. This is something every college student/seminarian can truly appreciate. $1.39/lb--sweet deal.

Discovery. McCoun apples are amazing. I had never even heard of this kind of apple. Very sweet and good for baking. Definitely the best kind of apple there!

Laughter. Of course this is involved. We're a group of young adults going on apple picking adventures, would you expect anything less? Just a few laughs: endless fences, mud, awkward hugs, tractor pictures, handless picking, etc.

Fruits of our labor. Apples. Apple crisp. Apple sauce. <-- and that's all in one day. I'm sure there will be various other apple creations in the near future.

We also went for lunch after apple picking at Princeton's very own Soup and Sandwich Company. Great, great place! Oh right, and then for CUPCAKES! Yay!

What a great day! I am definitely grateful for such great friends, such awesome adventures, and such tasty food! As Ed would say in pretty much any context, "Praise Jesus, Allelu(sh)ia!

All the best!

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