"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Monday, October 10, 2011

"Learn, Unlearn, and Relearn"

Things I am learning & beginning:

ASL--this is the most fun of them all, and arguably the most useful! About half of what I know to sign is holy.

Organ--4 measures of Toccata and Fugue in D minor down (and memorized), only what seems to be like a ba-gillion to go! Next task--Doxology (the good one)!

Prayer Group--once a week place to recenter and fellowship! So excited!

Flag Football--I need to learn how to collide with the other team. Physically sore after an L. It was plenty of fun though!

Daniel 5--reading in Speech! Veeeery powerful. Love love love this class though!

Hebrew--flowing along in this class. Embracing the stupidity, but having a good time at the same time. Currently learning about roots and irregulars. Newsflash: they're ALL irregular to me! =)

Theological Debate--over the divinity of Christ in our precept on Friday. Icebergs were bumping. This week's topic: Anselm--Why God became Human.

OT--I would highly recommend How to Read the Bible: A Guide to Scripture Then and Now by Kugel if you want to critically study scripture. It is a very dense, informative, and challenging book!

Have a fantastic week! God's blessings!

Note: I know that there are some of you reading this who aren't "followers" for various reasons, but if you have any suggestions or requests of blog topics/scriptures, I highly encourage you to comment or email me: ashley.reimold@gmail.com. Truly, I am beginning to run out of things to talk about.

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