"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Friday, October 28, 2011

Great and Unsearchable Things

Since I am very much in need of a study break, I shall follow through on my promise to post reflections from reading week. Let me begin by saying that whoever came up with this idea of a reading week is both a genius and also an evil schemer at the same time. Genius because it seems like you will have time for a break, some down time, and even a whole lot of fun if you plan accordingly; evil schemer because you really don't have all the much extra time, you get wacked out of routine, and when they say "reading week," they aren't kidding. It's literally like a 10 day weekend full of reading assignments. Looking back on it, however, I think I've made the best of it. A little something to keep us going while studying: "Call to me and I will answer you, and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. (Jer 33:3)"

My awesome job. Now don't get me wrong, I am going to have an even more awesome job in 3 years, but I have a pretty swell one at the moment considering my circumstances. I work for the school's catering service. Sounds boring--right? ...wrong! It is sooo much fun. Check this out: I get paid to hang out with friends, study while people eat, and chat with alumnae, trustees, pastors, and the president of the seminary! Talk about pretty neat! I had quite a few hours this week because there were obviously no classes and also because there were a lot of catering events for alumni week! During these events, I had several conversations with many very interesting people including: Iain Torrance (president of the seminary), his Scottish friend (who has two Th.M's and two M.Div's), chair of the board of trustees, countless alumni, distinguished pastors, and our "southern pastor friend" (who is absolutely hilarious)! Overall, I have learned so much from conversations I have had with each of them. It makes me even more excited (I didn't think this was possible) about my future!

70th anniversary. Now, I know quite a bit of people who have graduated from this seminary. One very distinguished alumni is none other than Dr. C. Edward Brubaker who graduated in 1941. I knew he was going to be on campus this week, and I was fortunate enough to run into him on Monday during the State of the Seminary address! We then had lunch together after Chapel on Tuesday. Talk about wisdom... this man just emanates it. We spoke mostly of my first semester, but he also told me of his time here. We even talked briefly about his ministry in Trinidad. I can't even explain in words how blessed I am to have met him (he attends my home church). He has been a true inspiration to me on my journey to seminary.

Philadelphia trip. See last post: Cheesesteaks and Tastykakes. Easily the best part of the week! But, here are some of the pictures from my church:

Studies. Other than all those incredibly fun things, I have been reading, reading, reading. And when I'm not reading, I'm thinking about what I should be reading. Even meal times have been drastically shortened in time due to all the reading that needs to be read. If any of these following topics interests you, I would love to take a break from reading, reading, reading and write a brief post, email, or text message about them (ahem, begging for distractions here!): Calvin's Institutes, pretty much any part of the Old Testament, Hebrew prepositions and roots, predestination, reformation, etc.

Jeremiah. I am currently working on my Jeremiah paper (Jer 20:7-13), so I may post something about this in the near future. It is one of my favorite scriptures in the Hebrew Bible, and I would highly recommend that you take a moment in your busy, hectic day and read over it (I like the NIV translation, but any one would get the gist across). It's very interesting. =)

Until next time, I am very glad you all have take a few minutes to read this blog! All the best. Peace.

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