"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"It tastes like when you're walking in the fall, and you open your mouth"

Greetings and grace to you all! Wowzers! What a weekend! It flew by before I even knew what was going on! I have a few updates to share with you all. I will try not to ramble on aimlessly!

Church hopping. Ugh, whereas I am enjoying the vast smorgasbord of worship styles, liturgies, and traditions that I have been exploring recently, I am feeling a tad worn out by it all. You see, back in West Chester, I have an amazing church that I miss very much. But here, I have yet to find a church "home." I have explored various venues: Nassau Pres, Plainsboro Pres, UChapel, Nassau Christian Center. I like each of these in different ways, but I have yet to find that connection. It is, however, a good thing to explore because I am hoping to do my year-long field education placements somewhere rather close. Daily chapel is keeping me from being on edge about it all. Plus, I listen to my church's podcasts every week, so that has a comforting effect as well. Wish me luck as I visit Hamilton Pres this week.

PJs. If any of you read my last post about places to eat in Princeton, you may have taken notice that I left out PJs Pancake House! (pancakes.com <--score on that website url!) This was completely unintentional, and I feel a little bad about it after eating there with a large group of friends on Sunday evening! This place is great! Pancakes of all sorts, every breakfast food imaginable, lunch/dinner plates, and pasta! It is all very good. On Sunday, I got Pumpkin Pancakes with autumn butter ("It tastes like when you're walking in the fall, and you open your mouth"). Some other dishes at our table: pigs in a blanket (not halupki... rather sausage links wrapped with pancakes!), peanut butter chocolate chip pancakes, raisin and cinnamon pancakes, and monte cristo! In total eight of us went, and we had a really cool waiter (Scott)! It was a wonderful time and a great way to relax on a Sunday night!

Time pictures. A good friend of mine was telling me a while back about a very, very old picture of the seminary, and how one could line it up with a newer picture from the same perspective and the photo matches up really well. You could definitely tell the timing difference, but overall, all of the buildings and landscape are pretty much the same. This got me to thinking. In response to all of my thought, I figured it may be interesting to take a picture at the beginning of my journey and then one at the end, and compare how time has worked its magic on me. I decided that there was no better place to do this than in the pulpit at Miller Chapel (plus, all seniors have to run a chapel service... perfect comparison picture).

And heck, while I'm at it... a picture with the organ too!

Hebrew Midterm. My Hebrew midterm was yesterday, and I was slightly worried about it going in. It turns out that it actually wasn't so bad! We're still in the infancy of the class... learning the foundational basics, but I still feel semi-accomplished after taking the test! Wish me luck going forward and especially in the short term!

I hope all is well with each of you! =)  (shalom) שָׁלוֹם

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