"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Very Lutheran Sunday

Today was such a beautiful day! The crisp air that follows a snowfall like yesterday's epic storm is something that I look forward to every year. I was not quite expecting it this early, though.

Anyway, today also defied my expectations in another way. Since it is Reformation Sunday, some of us decided to go to a Lutheran church! Yay! Well, that and one of my very best friends has been dying to go to one since she arrived here at seminary, so what better day to do so?! We went to Abiding Presence Lutheran Church in Ewing, NJ as recommended by the director of music here, Martin Tel. It was pretty sweet, and also my first time at a traditional Lutheran service. I'd like to point out some notable details:

Music Music Music. Liturgy Liturgy Liturgy. Holy moley! Being the Presbyterian that I am, I was overwhelmed (in a good way) with the vast amount of music! Whoa! 5 hymns including one of my all time favorites--The Church's One Foundation. We also sang Listen, God is Calling and, of course, A Mighty Fortress is Our God (and two others that I do not remember off the top of my head). Another interesting thing about Lutheran worship is the liturgy... and the vast amounts of it. 

3rd person pronoun. What's that? Now, I am not entirely certain if this is a Lutheran thing or just a characteristic of this particular church, but God was not once referred to in the 3rd person pronoun. Even in situations where it seemed almost natural to use a "He," the ministers avoided it. I admire such efforts, especially since all of my OT papers need to be written in such a manner. 

Stick to Scripture. Another notable difference than the typical Presbyterian worship service I am used to was the nature of the sermon. There was not a single story, allusion, or anaolgy used. It was straight Bible, straight theology, straight confession, straight creed, straight Jesus, straight Scripture. ...and that's it. Pft, no need for anything else in this Lutheran church.

Dismissal. I'm used to just ending worship with a Benediction, but not here. They end with, "Go in peace. Serve the Lord. Thanks be to God," which I like very much!! Overall, it was a great experience; I am very glad I went.

Another Reformation event that happened tonight was a Lutheran group gathering on the steps of the seminary chapel. I went with some of my Lutheran friends. A retired Lutheran professor came and just gave us some informal history on Martin Luther and the 95 thesis. It was very interesting. Then, Martin Luther showed up and taped them to the door of the chapel!! 

Then we all sang A Mighty Fortress is Our God! After that we got group pictures with Martin Luther and the 95 theses:

All in all it was a really excellent day! I thank God for all of my dear Lutheran friends! I love them all very much! And all of my other non-Lutheran friends as well! Oh, what great adventures we all have here at seminary! =)

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