"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Cheesesteaks and Tastykakes

Let me just begin by apologizing for my lack of blogging over the past few days! Despite the fact that it is reading week here at PTSem, I have simply not taken the time to sit down and collect my thoughts from the past few days.

Anyway, yesterday was a wonderful, fantastic, fun-filled day! A few friends and myself decided to set the academics aside and leave them behind while we all took a nice little day trip in the the city of brotherly love--good 'ol Philly. Now, being the native Pennsylvanian that I am, I have been to Philly more times than I could count (not to mention my undergrad institution is about 40 minutes away from it). My dear friends on the other hand have never been there; after all, they are all from lands far far away from Philly. So this trip was bound to be filled with a lot of firsts!

Our first stop in the city was "Love Park." You know, that dinky little park on JFK Blvd with a cool fountain and historic love sign. Despite the fact that city officials already drained the fountain, it was very pretty and a whole lot of fun. We definitely looked like tourists with our cameras and smiling faces, though. Check it out:

"It's a lot smaller than I thought it would be..."

Next mission was to head over to Pat's and Geno's for some lunch. Cheesesteaks! Yay! Again, this was a first for everyone except myself. Sooo, we split into two groups and got cheesesteaks from both Pat's and Geno's. This way, we could split them and all try famous cheesesteaks from both places! So clever...

"Whiz wit..."

Our final stop in the city was historic Independence Hall. Unfortunately, they were doing some construction. BUT, we found some geocaches around the area, got some interesting pictures, and were able to see the Liberty Bell! Yay!

"That building is a lot bigger on the inside. You guys missed out."

After the city, we are trekked to my alma mater--West Chester! Except we didn't go to my school (we went somewhere that has had an even more significant influence upon my life than my undergrad), we went to First Pres Church West Chester for the Bridge program. Despite the consensus of the regulars that it was a "light" and "slow" night as compared to most Wednesday evenings there, we all still had a blast! For me, it's been far too long! I was finally home again. AND I got to bring my awesome friends with me (and they all seemed to have a good time too)! We ate some homemade, yummy food, met with all the amazing people at the church, participated in a contemporary worship service (which I was craving in the worst way), and we decorated a door for Halloween! All in all it was pretty fantastic!

"Your church makes me miss my church!" 

Before we made our way home, we stopped at Wawa for some Tastykakes (another first for everyone except myself) and Pumpkin coffee! The entire day just proved to me even more how incredibly lucky and blessed I am to have such great friends and such an amazing church!

Stay tuned for some reflections on alumni/reading week! May the peace of Christ be with each of you!

P.S. Additional photos can be found on my facebook page in days to come (including ones from the church).


  1. just wanted to say that once in awhile i get around to reading some of your blog posts! I am really enjoying reading them!
    God Bless!

  2. I love the use of my quotes here. If I had known they were being remembered I would've said something smarter :)
