"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Monday, January 16, 2012

Final week of Hebrew!

Greetings! I am gearing up for my final week of Hebrew! Just four more days to go... I feel like I'm running a race and I can see the finish line. It's just that the finish line is uphill and has a three hour final involved! After all that, I can say that I am done with Biblical Hebrew... at least until Spring term begins when I start my Hebrew exegesis class, which I am ridiculously excited about!

Hebrew. I reviewed everything I have learned in Hebrew from last semester over the weekend: grammar and vocabulary. I must say that I am very pleased with the amount of information I have retained. Check this out:
Left: Words I know. Right: Word I don't know ("cattle")

I then went on and reviewed everything I learned in the past two weeks of intensive Hebrew. I have retained much of the grammar, but my vocab needs some practice until it is mastered--seems like a task for inter-semester break! I have also been doing a semi-insane amount of translating, and I am very pleased with my ability to do so! Thank you PTSem! =)

Confessions. You may recall that my most tangible New Year's Resolution was to read the PC(USA) Book of Confessions every night. Hooray! 16 days in and I am still holding fast to such a resolution. I am up to the Westminster Confession of Faith! It is a book I would recommend. It is a relatively easy read and most things are articulated very nicely! Plus I found out that there is a scholarship available for people able to recall the answers to all 107 questions in the Westminster Shorter Catechism. That is a tall task, but I think it may be one worth taking up... even if it is just for the knowledge!

I hope you all had a wonderful MLK Jr. day! I sure did... and a wonderful weekend as well! All the best, and may the Lord be with you now and always!

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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