"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Thursday, January 26, 2012

"I can almost promise a jewel in your Heavenly crown!"

Hello, beloved friends! I am terribly sorry for my lack of updating this week. Despite being on break from school, I have been incredibly busy... busy having FUN FUN FUN! I have very much to recap from this week, so I am just going to dive right in!

Sunday: Episcopal Service. I have a confession to make: Sunday mornings have been more analytical than spiritual for me lately. Why? Well, simply because I need to find a place to do my field education placements! During worship, my brain has been wandering into the realms of theology and liturgy and different components that make up a Sunday service. I've been rating hospitality, love, ministries, music, and sermons relative to one another in order to find a place where I may fit in. This has been exhausting. So, 3 weeks ago, I decided to go to the 9pm Episcopal service at UChapel with some friends. This is exactly what I needed! Lately it seems like Sundays fly by and are full of hustle and bustle, but the Episcopal service is small, intimate, and quiet. I have truly developed a new appreciation for silence. =)

Monday: Relax. Fellowshiped with friends all day--no joke.

Tuesday: NYC. The Big Apple! I went with a small group of seminarians and one of their international friends! It was fun. We all walked through Central Park to the Guggenheim Museum, then we split into two small groups: I went to the World Trade Center Memorial site, ate pizza in Little Italy, hung out in Little China, meandered around Times Square, saw some break dancers, visited the Public Library, walked up to the Empire State building, and then finally went home!

Gutenberg Bible (left), Israel M&M's (right): I'm a little nerdy.

Wednesday: Moving Day, Bridge, Trivia. Such a wonderful day! A group of us helped move married friends from old CRW apartments to new CRW apartments! It took us all a good three and a half hours to do, but it was so much fun! Seminarians are pretty awesome people! We even got free breakfast and lunch, which is awesome since the dining hall is closed... oh, and of course, "A jewel in our heavenly crown" for our efforts! ;)

After moving, I sceedaddled on over to West Chester to visit my church mom! Wooooooo, hooray for finally being able to visit her (she is doing well, by the way, so thanks for the prayers!). I also went to the Wednesday night program at my church! The band sounded absolutely incredible... especially with all those youth up there! After all that, I zoomed back to Princeton and met up with my seminarian friends for a bit o trivia! We came in 3rd, and one of my good friends got engaged (in another state, not in Applebee's) while we were there! Yay!

Thursday: Games! Today is the day I shift my mindset from "relaxation" to "academia." I began working on things due the first week of school, applied to several field education placement sites, reviewed some Hebrew, played some games, had lunch with a dear friend of mine, and finally decided to update this blog!

Yes, we say it. Being the avid blog-reader that I am, I found this wonderful video the other day!

...and I for one can personally confirm that I have said several of these things on occasion. Very nicely done.

I am hoping to start a new series on this blog this spring that I think some of you may enjoy! In addition to my regular posts, I will be getting seminarians to make short videos of the most well known Bible stories. The unique thing about these videos is that they are going to be simple, in layman's terms, and maybe a little bit hilarious! We promise to be true to the text, but we're interested in making these stories interesting to you. If you have particular suggestions for such a video (or are interested in participating), email me at: ashley.reimold@gmail.com. God Bless!

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