"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Hebrew Scholars

Hooray! J-term is conquered! Finally! Now, I have a week off for inter-semester break (in which the seminary is promoting fasting once again), and a time to relax before jumping head first into the spring semester! This week promises to be a fun one with a few plans here and there, but mostly filled with an enormous amount of unstructured time.

Psalm 34 & Bibleworks. This was the final bit of translating on my Hebrew final, and a good choice to finish off the class. My translation: (1) Let me bless the Lord at all times / Always praise him with my mouth. (2) The LORD will be praised by my soul / It will listen for answers and it will rejoice. (3) The LORD is great to us / Let us exalt his name altogether. (4) I seek the LORD and he answers me / And from all my fears, I am saved. We only had to translate these four verses for the poetry section, but we also had to translate a sizable chunk of narrative from Judges. Other than the translation, the rest of the test was pretty simple and straightforward. Being the studiously dedicated seminarians that we are, we also incorporated our Hebrew studies into a game of telephone pictionary (Note: "Hebrew scholars"):

Nelson is slightly distracted from interpreting because Katie and I are really funny!
Looking ahead to my Hebrew exegesis class in the spring, I spent the better part of the morning familiarizing myself with Bibleworks. It is an amazing program that breaks down every single word in the Bible in its original language and also provides cross-references of any word to other places in the Bible. Simply put, it is AWESOME! =)

Snow. Finally...snow! Not counting that weird Halloween blizzard-thing, it has not snowed in Princeton this season! Despite my knowledge of the forecast, I still woke up this morning pleasantly surprised by the amount of snow outside my window! Since I have no particular place to be today, I will enjoy this accumulation with no complaining!
07:00 PTS quad

 Well friends, I hope all is well with each of you and that you are enjoying the snow (if you are reading from a snowy place). I will try to see as many of you as I can during my week long break. I will be taking trips to NYC and Pennsylvania this week, and I am rather excited about both! Grace and peace to you! =)

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