"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Happy New Year! Whoo 2012, here we go! I hope everyone's New Year's Resolutions are off to a great start! For me, today begins at least four or five months of inaccurately dating all of my papers as "2011."

Interestingly enough, statistics show that it should only take me about 60 days to adjust, which is always a gross underestimation in my document-dating behaviors. This is because experts say it takes about 60 days to develop a new habit. 60 days. So get out your calendars, and mark March 1 as a day to check up on the progress you've made with your resolution. This same study also suggests being as specific and public about your resolutions as possible. For instance, instead of saying "I am going to eat healthier," make a list of foods you intend on eating, intend on not eating, and replacement foods. Also, being public keeps you more disciplined and committed to such a change of habit--so tell a few friends. Good luck!

Resolution. This word is defined as "a firm decision to do or not to do something." After reflecting on my past year (2011: An Awesome Year), I could not really come up with any ground breaking resolutions. Rather, I decided that I wanted to strengthen some of my current behaviors. For instance, I plan on reading the Book of Confessions more often (ever since I finished it in August, I've only referenced the Westminster Shorter Catechism a few times). Others include: listening for God, out-of-the-way kindness, public prayer, and intentional relationships (especially long-distance relationships). Each of these is articulated in more detail on post-its on my desk. Wish me luck!

Criminal Minds. Last week I had a real break. I literally had nothing to do, so I turned on the tube. Believe you me: I watched more television in the past two weeks than I did in the four months previous. It was pretty awesome to just sit back and relax. As I was flipping through channels, I found a new show: Criminal Minds. I love it, and I recommend trying it out. It reminds me of my days as a Psychology major doing Applied Behavioral Analysis work at the clinic.

Igloo Church. As I was browsing through a number of sites the other day, I found this:


J-term. Well after a two week break from seminary, I begin the J term tomorrow with intensive Hebrew! 15 chapters in 3 weeks; quiz everyday, test every Friday. 15 days of Hebrew! Here we go! Wish me and my friends luck!

It's great to be back in Princeton, but it was also good to be in West Chester and the Poconos over break! January is going to be an interesting month! Good luck with all of your resolutions and Happy New Year! God Bless! =)

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