"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hold My Heart

And so it has begun! J-term Hebrew. Some of us are beginning to get a little crazy after just two days, but it's no wonder! 3 hrs of class every day--half precept, half lecture. It all starts with a quiz (everyday) or test (on Fridays), then going over homework, going through the new lesson, trying to remember yesterday's lesson, going to lecture, speeding through that lesson, translating for an hour.... then go to lunch and spend the rest of the day jamming 20-30 new vocab words in your brain, new grammar to learn, new forms and idioms to shove in there too, the next chapter to read and understand, and on top of all that-homework! In total, it has been equating to about 8 hours of Hebrew a day! Sounds fun, right? ...in a slightly geeky way, I kinda like it. =)

Hold My Heart. I was at the gym this afternoon (physical activity boosts mental activity--that's my justification) and my iPod was on shuffle. For some reason, my iPod loves Tenth Avenue North... seriously loves them! I have two of their albums, but I also have over 3,000 songs; every time I put the thing on shuffle, within ten songs, I will have a Tenth Avenue North song. It's quite astonishing. Anyway, today at the gym, my iPod chose for me to listen to a song entitled Hold My Heart by Tenth Avenue North (first song this time). It's lyrics are really good:
One tear in a driving rain
One voice in a sea of pain
Could the Maker of the stars, 
hear the sound of my breaking heart?
One life, that's all I am
Right now I can barely stand
If you're everything you say you are, 
would you come close and hold my heart

To me, it sounds like a desperate prayer. Have you ever prayed with such desperation? It also got me to thinking about the title of the song, Hold My Heart. Sometimes hearts hurt, hearts need God, and hearts need holding. Really, it's incredible that your heart even fits in your chest with everything it holds! Anyway, it's a great song, check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ry6udsW9leA.

Prayer Request. Two of my very dear friends are having serious surgeries this week (one tomorrow and one on Thursday), so if you could pray for them and their families, that would be greatly appreciated! 

Well, friends, it's about time I get back to Hebrew! I hope you all had wonderful Christmases and New Year's celebrations! All the best and God Bless!

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