"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

"Spontaneous Freedom Lack-of-Planning Thing"

I'm on a break from school. I fully realized this when I was bored and had time to take an afternoon nap! Naps = awesome! I have an incredible amount of built up energy and am definitely ready to go back to school. In the meantime, however, here are a few things I've been doing to treat my insane amounts of boredom:

Winter Classic. It's hockey time! Now... the real Winter Classic isn't until January 2 at 1:00pm EST, but our winter classic took place yesterday. A number of my hockey friends and I thought it would be a wonderful idea to play roller hockey in 30 degree temperature, steady rain, and a soaked hockey rink. Surprisingly I only had only one bad wipe out. 5 goals and 4 assists on 11 total goals plus a great afternoon with friends made up for the slight shoulder discomfort experienced from my wipe out. We were all frozen to the core within two hours, but it was a wonderful time filled with laughter.

Family Dinner. It's a rare event that my entire family is in the same place at the same time. My younger brother and I are both away at school most of the year, my older brother works night shift, my half-sister has a full time job and a husband, and Kim is busy with her first family. Last night, we managed to all be available at the same time! Yay! So we went out to hibachi for my mom's birthday and some family time. It was a BLAST!

Doctor's Appointments. The interesting thing about being in this nomad portion of my life is that I have this terrible habit of ignoring doctors' checkups.This week home, though, I made an appointment with my good old orthopedic surgeon. And it's a good thing I did... apparently, I dislocated the kneecap on my bad knee and now it's kinda out of place. Long story short: I need to go back to physical therapy, and hopefully that will remedy the issue. 

Reading. Hebrew! I'm trying to get a running head-start for intensive Hebrew II in the J-term. I've also been catching up on blogs (I love blogs), watching ted.com videos, and I started reading the Chronicles of Narnia series! I am also thinking about tackling the Bible in another translation this year (NIV, NRSV--done), perhaps the NKJV or ESV. 

I can't wait to be back at school and into my routine again. This "spontaneous freedom lack-of-planning thing" is weird for me. I hope all is well with each of you! God's blessings! =)

P.S. I wish I could wake up to this every morning:

Xena at 9:00am 

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