"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Friday, March 23, 2012

200 Years in the Making

When Princeton does something, they do it big! And as a student, it is impossible to forget when any particular "big event" is because they plaster posters everywhere, send emails, give you cool looking stamped coins, remind you orally, make announcements during the lunch hour, and find every single method imaginable to make sure that you will not forget the time and place. And so it is for the Bicentennial Celebration. We also have these gi-normous signs all over campus:

Bicentennial. 200 years! Hooray! PTS has been around the block in existence for 200 years now! Yep, that's right--200 years! That's a looooong time! So we celebrated with an hour long...*ahem ahem* actually 2 hours long worship service, which started with ringing the bell on top of my dorm 200 times! I didn't even know the darn thing was able to ring at all?! Why don't we ring it more often? I mean, 200 times everyday would be overkill, but bells are cool. Ring them once a day when chapel begins--that would be neat. Anyway, it was a pretty good service. The choir was AMAZING! Seriously--incredible.The liturgy focused on remembering... which eerily reminded me of Sept 11 and MLK day sermons. I wish I could see people walking around in choir robes everyday:

Rereading books. Only three weeks left in the semester! Knock on wood, but I seem to be just a tad ahead on everything academic (let's see if that lasts through Holy Week)! Since I am feeling comfortable with my to-do list, I've been reading and rereading pleasure books. I don't know what it is about reading a book more than once (a concept that I used to think was ridiculous), but it's always better the second time, and even better times after that. Other than the Bible and Harry Potter, I have read very few books more than once! Just recently, however, I reread When Bad Things Happen to Good People. It's a very insightful book that I would recommend--and even better the second time! =) This idea of rereading books is growing on me in my old age! It's something I am going to try to do more often, which does not mean I am going to stop reading books I've never read before. THAT would be devastating!

Well everything is going wonderfully here in Princeton! I hope all is well with each of you. =) Blessings.

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