"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Before I came to Seminary: Cruisin' in Julia

Good day dear friends! I hope this post finds each of you well and also enjoying these posts. I must admit, they have been pretty fun to write about. I will post about my wonderful trip to Washington D.C. very shortly (which I think most of you will enjoy); I should have some down time when I am home this week.

Now, we shall explore earlier parts of my life starting with one perspective of the latter part of high school before I came to seminary:

My 1st car. Oh Julia, my first car ever: a 1995 Chevy Cavalier 2-door teal sporty-looking thing. It cost me $300... but $300 to a 16 year old is a lot of money. It was a used car with a lot of dings. It was 4-cylinder that sounded like a lawnmower on big hills. Julia, Julia, how I miss her. She was a great car--good in the winter, big enough to fit 4 teenage girls into, no problem. After I got her, I needlessly cleaned her out, changed her oil, rotated her tires, scrubbed her hubcaps, changed her brakes (all with the help of my Poppa Bear). Knowing about cars is something that my dad taught me pretty early in my life. If I was going to be driving one, or even driving in one, I should probably know that basics... "just in case." Sometimes I take this teaching for granted; over the years, I have come to realize how few people have received such informal training about cars. Some people quite simply, just don't know about these things. My dad made sure that this would never be the case for me, and for this I am grateful.

Cruisin'. What is the first thing a 16-year old does the second she gets her license? Drive around aimlessly with no destination. Driving just to drive. Now, now, now, this was back in the days when gas was less than $2 a gallon, so it really wasn't a huge economical hit to just be cruising. One would think that this urge to drive around with no purpose would fade pretty soon, but that was not the case with me. As a matter of fact, I sought out and found some crusin' buddies. KR, NH, and LE were just such people. We would aimlessly drive anywhere and everywhere. Much of the time we would explore the backroads where I live, or take a trip out to Wal-Mart to purchase yarn and knitting supplies (that would be used while watching a Disney movie later that night). Such wonderful friendships were built and maintained through this completely pointless activity of driving around.

"Don't Stop Me Now!" A Queen song that we would all sing at the top of our lungs while cruising or on our way to school in the mornings. I can't listen to this song without thinking about Julia and all my cruising buddies.

WBS Penguins! Another great thing about getting your license is that you no longer need to trouble your parents to take you places (this was extremely helpful to my parents concerning sports practices). Attaining my license allowed me to attend more AHL hockey games than ever! I usually went with a nice crowd of people, or just my best buddy! It was always a wonderful time! Let's go Pens! =)

How this helps: priceless car knowledge, stories about the "old days," relationships can be built up anywhere!

Next Post: {D.C. Post} then Let's Go Wreckers!

Peace. =)

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