"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Friday, March 30, 2012

Something on a Stick

Hello and happy Friday! I have a few things to update you all about, so I am going to jump right into it!

Holy Book Sales Batman! Do you have any idea how many books I have bought this week? Too many! Our book store was having a 50% then 75% off sale all week on overstocked textbooks! Say what?! So I got my butt moving and headed on down to the bookstore! I bought a few books on preaching, one on pastoral care, and a feminist commentary! All for under $25! Woo Hoo for me! On top of all of that, the seminary hosted a used book sale (where all the books are donated) the latter half of this week! Most of the books are seminary-appropriate with a few exceptions of leisure books! All paperback books were $2 and all hardback books were $5! So I got my butt moving and went over to the book sale in our gym! I bought a Hebrew Bible, two Greek Bibles, a normal Bible, an old Bible, a Common Book of Prayer, Chronicles of Narnia, and a Bruggeman book on Preaching! All for $12! NOW, I have so much reading for this summer! Yay!

Themed Dinners. Throughout the semester our cafeteria has hosted a series of themed dinners. I don't remember all of them, but some of them included: Taste of the UK day, African American Appreciation Dinner, Valentines Dinner, and just the other night--"Something on a Stick Dinner," which was quite impressive. Check out my dinner:

 Everything is on a stick!

There will be another update coming very soon. Unfortunately, I do not have the time to post the other fun things that happened this week right this moment (and perhaps you don't have the time to read it all anyway). And finally, for my beloved church friends in WC: I was hoping to be able to make the Palm Sunday 5K this Sunday (and I even got ahead on my school work for just such travel), but unfortunately my knee has been giving me some serious problems as of late--all of which are my own darn fault--so I will likely not be able to join with you all in running that race. Best of luck to each of you, and I hope you have a wonderful time! =)

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