"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Sunday, March 25, 2012

I'm a Presby

Greetings! It's been quite a wonderful weekend here in Princeton. I mostly did homework and hung out with friends, but I also did some serious paper writing and basketball playing! I'm slowly but surely wrapping up my semester here, and hopefully I will be able to put a nice bow on top of it with two long papers due at the end of finals week and a NT exam. I am beginning to get really excited about summer time and all of the fun it will entail!

How many weeks? I have a bit of a confession to make to many of my friends from First Pres WC: I have not worshiped in a Presbyterian Church in six weeks (unless you count the Bridge). I have been all over the place. Here and there and everywhere! The Lutherans, Methodists, and Episcopalians have been consuming my Sundays for a month and a half now! It has actually been quite a marvelous experience. Finally, today I went to Pennington Pres! Wow, what a refresher! Nothing against these other traditions (I enjoy them as a matter of fact), but I was really missing the Presbys! AND on top of the wonderfulness of Presbyterians, there was also a drama of the Exodus story put on by youth and children choirs, which was absolutely fantastic! Go kids!

Hymnal Collection. Since I have been in a number of different traditions recently, I have been singing from a number of different hymnals (plus the three we use in chapel). I really like hymnals! They're awesome! I have added about five to my book-buying list. On the top of this list is probably the ELW--Lutheran Hymnal... it's pretty sweet! You should check it out! I'm beginning to form a really nice collection, and soon I will be able to add the new Presbyterian Hymnal that is coming out next year! Wooo Hooo!

Sermon Podcasts. One thing that has kept me close to the Presbys is sermon podcasts. That's right. I listen to sermon podcasts: in the morning, in the car, at the gym, when I'm writing papers, etc. Someone once told me, "If you want to be a good preacher, listen to good preachers." Well, that's exactly what I am doing. If you would like some recommendations, feel free to shoot me an email, and I will be happy to send you a link. =)

Well, it's been quite a wonderful day for me. I hope yours was great as well. Peace. =)

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