"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Welcome to Spring! Woo Hoo! I know it has only technically been Spring for about 21 hours, but it's felt like Spring here in Princeton for at least a good week! This weather has been quite wonderful! The quad has been more lively, everyone is bustin' out the shorts and flip flops, and now ice cream is an acceptable (even encouraged) reason to walk up into town. I hope you all are taking as much advantage of this weather as I am, that is, if you are in a warm climate.

Kan-Jam. Do you want to hear about an awesome game? Well, it's called Kan-Jam, and it's a marvelous frisbee game. It comes with these two large, round, garbage can-looking things. You play on teams like in horse shoes, and the point of the game is to get the frisbee into the can. 1 pt if your partner swats the frisbees and it touches the outside of the kan, 2 points if it touches the outside of the kan unassisted, 3 points if your teammate swats it into the kan, and instant winner if you get it into the kan unassisted. Teams play to 21 (exactly 21)! It's a really cool game. I played several rounds throughout the week and did not get bored for a single moment!

5Ks, Hockey, and Basketball! Talk about active! I may have signed up for a tad too many activities of fitness in the upcoming weeks. And to be quite honest, I don't even know if my schedule will allow me to participate in all of them. At least all the charities already have my money, so they don't really need my presence. I have three 5Ks in the month of April, a hockey tournament, a three-on-three outdoor basketball benefit, and a basketball tournament. This does not include training for the 5Ks, pick-up games at the gym, or hockey meetings for coaching and reffing. Ahhhh! Call me crazy, but April is also the month of Holy Week and Finals week! I'll be quite busy! =)

Visitors. Several of my friends have had visitors come to campus either just to hang out or check it out. They have all been quite fun and have given us reasons to avoid studying here and there to go do something fun! This brings up two thoughts in my brain: one--outsiders break the seminary-bubble phenomenon in a good way, and two--come visit! Now, I know that I literally just said that my April is busy, but what the heck, come visit while the weather is nice. I could spare a day or two to entertain! It's quite fun around here, and I have some quite hilarious friends! =) Oh, and Princeton is b-e-a-utiful!

I must say I have noticed that when I don't plan my blogs, they don't get written as often... and then I forget some fun and interesting things that happened. I will work on this to post a little bit more often. Remember, suggestions are welcome! Anyway, enjoy the new season of Spring, and I hope your season of Lent is treating you well! The Lord be with you. =)

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