"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Before I came to Seminary: Hand-dipped Drumsticks

Greetings beloved! I'm wrapping up my seminary series today with a final post about my younger years! I sure hope that you have enjoyed learning about how I got to this point in my life. I have received several emails regarding the series, so I encourage you to continue shooting the emails my way if you have a question or comment. I truly welcome such feedback! Before I came to seminary:

Softball*. The first sport I have ever played in my life is softball. I don't even remember the age in which I started playing, but it was really young. Being the skinny little thing that I was at the time, I was rather fragile and constantly came home with scrapes, bruises, sprains, etc etc. I loved it though. And for some reason being a part of a team was very appealing to me. To wear the same jersey as everyone else and really feel part of something bigger than myself made me an incredibly happy little girl. When I was first learning how to play softball, I was always more interested in chatting with fellow players than working on my individual game. This drove my coaches crazy because oftentimes I was talking over them. I was a social butterfly before I was ever an athlete.

Songs. Oh did we ever have some good cheer songs! They were incredibly witty and cheery, and I loved loved loved to sing sing sing them all game long. Now many of you know that I don't have a very good singing voice, but that doesn't matter on a girls' softball team. The only thing that matters is that you are as loud as humanly possible, and preferably louder than the other team!

Victory Ice-Cream! Most of the time during ASA (American Softball Association) I would play catcher (which may have been influential in my knee injury). This would make me easily the scummiest player on the team. Some of the girls didn't enjoy getting their jerseys all dirty, but for me--the more dirt the better! Anyway, after our victories (most games because we were pretty good for several years running), we would go to Ocean's Ice Cream and get a cold treat! I would always get their homemade hand-dipped drumsticks! Yum yum yum! Oh what great memories! The parents would normally chat together, and the team would do some serious team bonding--mostly just talking about the awesome plays of the game and praising one another.

How this helps: Team-spirit, socializing, singing, friendships.

Next Post: Conclusion

Peace be with you. =)

*I could not find any digital pictures! Ugh!

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