"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Pt. II: The Holiday

Merry Christmas! Oh, by the way, I am going to be saying that until New Years-ish! Joy joy joy! Well, I hope each of you had a fantastic Christmas filled with peace, hope, joy, and love! Mine was pretty darn cool! I got home around noon and then the fun began!

Gifts. I got so caught up in the awesome side of Christmas (church, Jesus, light, salvation) that I forgot that the holiday also includes gift giving and gift receiving. We all opened gifts--even the dogs...

Xena (left) and Dixie (right)

Game time. On holidays, my family typically plays many fun, fun games. Game time usually consists of taboo or charades, but this year, I threw a monkey wrench into that plan. I set up guitar hero in the living room, and we all took turns on different instruments rocking out (awkwardly enough, I play lefty flip despite my regular playing of a real guitar). Then, I introduced them all to a new game--telephone pictionary! 

Three Blind Mice = success

We ended the day by watching movies-another typical Christmas activity. It was such a great day, filled with laughter and fun! It seems like it takes so long for Christmas to get here, and then when it is here, it goes by so darn quick. I guess that what a 364 to 1 ratio would feel like, eh? Maybe next year my Christmas will involve more mixing of the holy with the holiday. Here's to hoping...

Thank you CCR!

Merry Christmas again, dear friends, and may the peace of Christ be with each of you!

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