"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

"I hate it when my snakes fall off!"

So I am just going to admit right off the bat that I need a break in studying! It seems like my answer to every Whatcha up to? or What are your plans for later? is always... well, I'm studying. I might just go a little crazy before finals are over. But I'm definitely not stressing, it's advent and there is a wonderful Christmas concert here this afternoon/ evening. Anyway, recap on the past few days:

Sermon on Hell. How many of these have you heard in your lifetime? I'm not just talking about sermons that reference hell, but sermons fully devoted to the topic of hell. How many? Well, I can answer this question without thinking too much: none. In my life, I have never heard a sermon completely dedicated to hell. Yesterday, that changed. It was an interesting sermon. One of the professors here was the preacher for the chapel service and decided to tackle this not-so-popular topic with no script. Good on ya, I say. Anyway, he spoke mostly about repentance, and did a very good job relating it all to gospel themes and even to advent. It was very interesting, very well thought out, and overall very good. We sang the Battle Hymn of the Republic as the final hymn--very fitting.

Seminary Basketball. Why on earth would basketball be on my mind or in my schedule so close to finals week?! That's outrageous, right?! Wrong. First and foremost I would like to point out that physical activity boosts mental activity for up to eight hours. Cha ching! AND, in my opinion, basketball provides a needed break to the academia around here. I must say, seminary basketball is the right kind of basketball. What do I mean by this? Well, in high school and undergrad, basketball was centered around competition, rivalry, and pride. At seminary, however, it's different. The goal isn't necessarily to win, it's to have fun. There aren't really any rivalries because no one can force themselves to dislike another person over a simple, trivial game. And pride? --we don't even have school colors and are playing under the same institution. Pft, the heck with intramural pride. Everyone is very honest about fouls, very complimentary to both teams, very conversational, and overall--it is the fairest game of basketball you will ever see. We're just doing pickup games for now, but the season begins in February, and I can't wait!

Olivia's Advent Calendar. You should check this out. It is a series of videos recorded by a girl from my friend's church. She makes a creative video everyday when she opens that day's door of her advent calendar. These are pretty hilarious! They are posted on youtube daily and will certainly give you a few good laughs as well as a number of witty phrases to throw around. Ex: "I hate when my snakes fall off!" and "Dad, is that enough twitching?!" A group of us watch them everyday! =)

Anyway, I might want to get back to work. These finals aren't going to study for themselves! I hope all is well with each of you! All the best, until next time! =)

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