"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Finals Preview & Sunday Review

Greetings dear friends! So guess what I just realized? I am done with classes for this semester! Oh yeah! Go me! Trouble is, I still have these 'finals' to get through before I can say that I successfully completed my first semester of seminary! I am feeling rather confident. But I don't know how I feel about my feelings of confidence. I hope I haven't fell into a a unsafe sense of control and preparedness. I guess we'll see! =)

Hebrew.  or "the Hebs" as I have come to call it. I have been intentional about keeping up with my vocabulary and grammar, so I am feeling pretty good about this test. Plus, I also enjoy studying it in a really geeky way because now I can read my favorite OT passages in their original language and actually understand what it means (for the most part). It is quite incredible how much progress we as a class have made this semester. I am especially grateful for my preceptor--he is truly amazing.

Old Testament. So I don't know if you are aware how long the Hebrew Bible is, but it's pretty long. 39 books as a matter of fact! This means that there is a lot of material to cover. Besides the essay prompts, I am required to know outlines of many of the books, summaries of Ruth, Esther, and Jonah, significance of many OT characters, prophets & their associated kings, significant years, ten commandments, order of the OT, and several other facts.

Theology. This is the final that I am least looking forward to for several reasons. After today, however, I am feeling pretty confident that I am good with more than half of the final--Calvin and theological terms. I still have some reading up to do on the topics of Barth, the Enlightenment, and evangelical theology.

Well, I am feeling good about these finals, but I am still planning on studying my brains out the first half of this week! The second half is devoted to the finals themselves. On another note, I had quite a wonderful Sunday! I went to church with a very good friend of mine, and I really like this church I have been attending while out here in Princeton. Allentown Presbyterian Church (NJ).

Allentown Pres. This church has some similarities with my own church, but also a number of differences. Considering it as a whole, I really like it. They sing a wide variety of songs, both contemporary and traditional. They use a keyboard, guitars, and drums as well as the organ. It's all very well balanced out. The service also has a very nice flow to it, and this is something I can appreciate. The pastor is also a really cool guy and a great preacher. He's a walker and really doesn't use the pulpit. His messages are very good, thought provoking, and they have a academia component to them.

Handel's Messiah. What a wonderful advent Sunday school taught by the pastor. We talked a lot about the history of this genius piece of music and the compiling of scripture. It was pretty awesome. We listened to clips of the performance, soloists, and talked about the structure of the piece itself. I always appreciate going into more detail about the music behind advent (Messiah was originally intended for lent).

How Great is Our God. If you like Chris Tomlin. advent-themed songs, or guitar/piano (or all three like me), you should check out this alternative Verse 1 for Tomlin's song How Great is Our God:

The splendor of the babe
In the manger hay
A new way has begun, a new way has begun

Through darkness comes our light
Messiah born this night
O listen to his voice, his tender gentle voice

Wish me luck during my last week of my first semester at seminary! It has been a great beginning to what is going to be a long week. I hope to see you, whoever you are, very soon! Happy Advent and God bless! 

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