"What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Presbyterians Love Acronyms: YAAD

Before you read any further, I promise this post will not be as long-winded as the last few. I dare not test your patience any more, especially when it may have been all used up after sitting in traffic, or shopping, or waiting for commercials to be over, or whatever.

YAAD. We Presbyterians l-o-v-e acronyms! We love 'em! If it's important, chances are it has an acronym. So here's another: YAAD, which stands for Young Adult Advisory Delegate (for PC(USA) GA, which stands for Presbyterian Church United States of America General Assembly). Last night I had the privilege of going before my home church's session to ask for an endorsement to become one of these YAADs! I also gave them a  very brief update on how seminary is going (i.e. wonderful!). They decided to endorse me, so now my application will be sent to the Presbytery, and they will vote on the matter in January. Wish me luck!

Dining Hall: Closed. Students remaining in Princeton: starving.... ahem, oh, I mean "fasting." We got notification Friday afternoon that the dining hall would be closing Saturday after lunch. It was very nice of them to give us any notification. I guess all the upperclassmen knew, so that leaves us juniors to fend for ourselves. Several methods to addressing this situation include: skipping meals, eating unsafe amounts of Ramen, spending ungodly amounts of money on really spicy Chinese takeout, Wawa trips, eating Twizzlers for breakfast, et al.

I wish I was kidding. ...haha, it is kinda funny though--Twizzlers for breakfast: only in college.

The Worst Christmas Shopper Ever. <--that's me. I don't know what happened! Last year I was done before December; this year, I just started yesterday! Oi vey! And of all people, I am well aware the time of year and how many days until Christmas (4 and an hour, if you were wondering). It also doesn't help that I have NO IDEA what to get anyone! I'm doomed... doomed! Haha, just kidding. I'll figure things out! As my good friend just said, "We can have a wrapping party in my room. And that will pretty much consist of you wrapping presents on my floor [because he's done already]."

Well friends, without classes to keep me busy, I'm sure this blog will be rather up to date until January 2nd. So I'll try to keep 'em short. God's blessings!

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